Friday, 28 November 2014


On Thursday I went to the library and helped Miss Ward cancel books with Lalain and I showed leadership by doing everything properly and offering to help even when I wasn't on.

My next step is to see if I can help out even more.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


On Monday I had Kapahaka and I showed leadership by telling Matua Rihari that I had a meeting and then going and I came back afterwards when some people didn't.
On Monday I had peer mediation and I showed leadership by doing it in the right area and wearing the vest and the lanyard with pride.
On Monday I helped Miss Ward out in the library even though it wasn't my day and I showed leadership by doing the job properly.

My next step is to encourage the others to come back to Kapahaka after the meeting.

Saturday, 22 November 2014


On Monday I had Kapahaka and I showed leadership by putting in heaps of effort and doing the actions properly.

On Wednesday the year 7's had a P.A.L's training programme and Mr Mccallum asked Haley and I to run a game to show everyone what to do and what not to do. I showed leadership by participating in the group discussions and being sensible.

My next step is to be more enthusiastic when I am teaching a game and to run more interesting games  instead of just running easy ones.

Monday, 17 November 2014


On Monday I had Kapahaka and I showed leadership by making sure I did the moves properly and trying my best to learn the song order.

My next step is to know the song order and to remember the actions to Pa Mai.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


On Wednesday I had librarian and I showed leadership by putting the books away as quickly as I could while still doing it properly and helping out the younger kids with their books.

My next step is to be more sensible and to not talk to my friends.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


On Monday I had P.A.L's and I showed leadership by running a game that the younger kids liked and getting their input on what they wanted to play towards the end.
On Monday I had Kapahaka and I showed leadership by putting in effort to sing our new song and helping out people that didn't know the words.
Today I had formal practice and I was showing leadership by helping out my formal partner when he didn't get the moves.

My next step is to plan a game to run before the day I do P.A.L's and to practice the songs at home for Kapahaka .

Sunday, 2 November 2014


On Monday I had Kapa Haka and I showed leadership by turning up on time and remembering the actions.
On Monday I had Peer Mediation and I showed leadership by remembering to go and reminding other people to turn up.
On Friday I had Kapa Haka light festival and I showed leadership by going and wearing the uniform properly.
On Friday I had Touch and I showed leadership by listening to the coaches and helping out the other team members.

My next step is to remember when I have each thing and to tell the teacher in charge if I can't come.

Friday, 31 October 2014

50th Jubilee Writing

Oaklands school had their 50th Jubilee on Labour weekend this year. I am Year 7. In 50 years time when they have their 100th Jubilee I will be 61. In 50 years I think these changes would have happened at Oaklands school...

I think that the classes will be bigger and they will have around 40 people in them. I also would like to have at least 2 teachers in each class.

I also think that there will be more houses and that the house will have different names.

There will be more technology in each class and maybe even enough for 1 each.

I would like to see that they teach subjects like science and english.

I would like to see that there are more sport opportunities and especially more opportunities for the talented sportspeople.

I would like to see more play areas for the younger students.

I hope there will be more sports equipment for everyone to use at playtimes.

I would like to see S.D.L (self directed learning) carry on for the year 7/8 students.

I hope to see you at the 100th jubilee, maybe you can take me on a tour!

Sunday, 26 October 2014


On Monday I had Kapa Haka and I was showing leadership by practising the actions so that I know what to do.
On Monday I also had peer mediation and I was showing leadership by seeing if I could get someone to fill in for the people that were in production.
On Friday I had touch and I showed leadership by refereeing properly and trying to remember all the important rules.

My next step is to remember what game I am refereeing and what time it is.

Monday, 13 October 2014

My term 4 goals

My term 4 goals are:

My academic goal is to learn the area of a triangle because it is useful when I am on Mathletics.

My behavioral/social goal is to associate myself with different groups of people because I usually work with my friends and I need to work with different people for next year and for high school.

My respect goal is to try and help out people and to treat others the way I want to be treated because it will help everyone have a good last term.

Friday, 26 September 2014


W.A.L.T: identify structural features of text.

I have achieved this W.A.L.T because I know why the author has used things like subtitles and captions and I know the impact they have on the reader.

For example subtitles help you know what the paragraph is about and to help you understand the text better.
Captions tell you what a photo is about or what the people in the photo are doing.

My next step is to learn why authors put maps and photos in the text. 

Thursday, 25 September 2014


This week I had peer mediation and I showed leadership by finding the people that were on and finishing on time.
I also had Kapahaka and I showed leadership by doing what I was ment to do and helping out the younger kids.
Today I had Choir and I was showing leadership by singing properly and looking at Miss Harris so I knew what to do.

My next step is to learn the song Aoteroa for Kapahaka.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

More should be done to protect endangered animals.

W.A.L.T: write a persuasive argument.

Fur coats, animal rugs is it really worth killing an animal for?

Picture this your sitting at home eating your toast when all these strange things surround your house and start bulldozing it down. Your trapped inside but somehow manage to get out. This is the reality for many animals.

Your fending for yourself after your house was bulldozed when a man with a strange looking object walks over to you. He pulls the trigger and you feel yourself hallucinating. 

As you start to wake up you see tons of metal bars. The floor is cold and hard, the bars unforgiving. You realise you're in a cage so you climb up the bars only to hit your head and fall back down.

And finally a man walks over to your cage with the same long object that put you to sleep he pulls the trigger and you feel a searing pain in your chest, you fight to stay alive but it's no use.

Your fur is cleaned up and sold for a very high price and that's all that you turn out to be.

A large number of animals will experience this and to all you animal lovers out there you have the poachers to thank.

Poachers will capture animals and use their; fur, tusks, horns and claws to create rugs and to sell to rich buyers. A lot of the money will go into the black market to buy illegal things such as drugs and unlicensed weapons.

If we do nothing to protect the cute fluffy animals future generations will miss out. Your grandchildren or maybe even your kids won't be able to see the creatures that we spend countless hours staring at in the zoo. When you're old and sitting by the fire telling your grandkids about the time you went to the zoo and the kids just sit there going "what are zoos" and "what are those animals"?

What if there were no more school trips to zoos? Going to zoos bring pleasure and enjoyment. Places like Orana park are doing a lot to save endangered animals such as their kiwi breeding programme.

Another reason why the animals are dying is because humans are destroying homes. Soon no more animals will live in forests which means no more birds,lizards and most importantly no more kiwis. Do you really want the New Zealand icon to be gone?

Overall, more should be done to protect endangered animals because they bring enjoyment and pleasure. Do we really want more people with fur coats and rugs after all they are just unnecessary luxury items.

The SOLO level I reached for surface features is extended abstract because I have used lots of them and know what impact they have on the reader.
The SOLO level I reached for my speech is relational because I know why wrote what I did and my main points are relevant to the topic.

My next step is to provide evidence and to say how I feel about the topic.

Monday, 15 September 2014


Today I had kapahaka and I was being a leader by listening to Matua Rihari and Mr Brown and I made sure I learnt the new song by practising at home.
I also had P.A.L's and I was being a leader by helping out the younger kids and by making it fun for them.

My next step is to organise the game we are going to run rather than just winging it. 

Friday, 12 September 2014


On Monday I had Kapahaka and I was showing leadership by listening, being respectful and helping the younger kids.
On Monday I also had peer mediation and I was being a leader by showing up on time and finishing on time rather than leaving 5 minutes earlier like the other people in my group did.
Today I had Choir and I was being a leader by ignoring what people were doing around me and looking at the conductor.

My next step is to remind people to finish peer mediation at the right time.

Sunday, 7 September 2014


On Monday we had a Kauri assembly and I was showing leadership by listening to the person speaking and facing the front.
On Wednesday I had librarian and I was showing leadership by putting the books away and listening to Miss Ward when I didn't know what to do.

My next step is to ignore the distractions in assembly and to remember what I need to do at librarian.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

My narrative

W.A.L.T: use a range of sentence structures. 

On a warm summers day in an extremely posh school Ashley was walking to her usual lunch spot when she heard footsteps behind her which made her heart beat a million miles per hour.

A few metres away Zach was talking with his friends when he saw Ashley.

"WOW" he said.

Meanwhile, Ashley and Sophia were having there first encounter and believe me it wasn't a good one. If Sophia wanted friends she wasn't going the right way about it. 

She started of by saying "your my new friend go get changed into some fashionable clothes"

Of course Ashley wanted to be friends with the most popular girl in school. There was a moment of hesitation before Ashley said "Ok let me just get changed" 

Ashley walked to her locker where she kept her best clothes just in case. 

She walked back outside to Sophia and she looked beautiful in her pink spotty party dress. Her hair was tied back in a bun and her shoes were black with sequins and a bow at the tip. 

"Wow" Sophia exclaimed "you look like one of us".

"Thanks" Ashley said wondering if it was a complement or not.

Just then Zach walked over to Ashley and introduced himself to Ashley. 

Hey do you want to go to the mall after school"? Ashley said trying to change the subject. 

"Sure let me just text my mum and tell her"

"Ok meet you at the gate" Sophia said with glee. 

Zach quickly asked for Ashley's phone number but as she pulled out her phone Sophia snickered.

"Where's your iPhone"Sophia teased. 

"Um I don't have one"

"Oh  dear you must get one if you want to be my friend" Sophia said

I don't have enough money what am I going to do she thought.

"I will try to get one I guess"

At this point Ashley started to walk away. 

"Brinnnnnnnnnng" went the bell. 

"Back to class everyone" said miss Harrington. 

As the day went by Sophia grew more nervous. 

When the second bell rang Ashley jumped out of her chair, grabbed her bag and ran to the school gate  where they were supposed to meet but Sophia wasn't there.

Ashley was mad, what if Sophia didn't want to be her friend anymore, but just as she was about to leave Zach came over to her. 

"Why are you in those clothes" he said in a puzzled way. 

"Oh um I joined the popular group".

"Oh I liked you better before when you were yourself".

"I'm sorry maybe I was wrong I just wanted some friends".

"I know how you feel" Zach said with a far away glance.

"What do you mean?" Ashley said. 

"I used to be like you no offence I had no friends and I was lonely every day and when the popular group became my friends I changed and now I can't change back, but it's not to late for you"

"Oh I didn't know that. I have to go my mum wants me home" Ashley said in a sad way.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Zach called out.

Ashley went back home and carried on with what she usually did after school.

The next day Ashley woke up feeling amazing but a little bit nervous. She rummaged through her closet and found a nice purple singlet top and a pair of skinny jeans her Aunty had bought for her just in case she wanted to be fashionable. 

She realised that old yuckey clothes weren't her thing. She would go shopping in the weekend. Ashley grabbed her bag and went out the door. 

When she got to school she sat in her usual space and got to work. When she heard the bell she ran over to where the popular kids hang out and waited for Sophia.

Finally, when Sophia came over to Ashley she smiled.

"Um I don't really want to be in the popular group anymore but we can still be friends". Ashley said worriedly. 

"Oh I guess that's ok" Sophia said. "I would like it if we were still friends. Sophia said happily. 

"Yeah I would like that too" Ashley said extremely relieved. 

Ashley left to go find Zach. When she found him she grew nervous.

"I talked to Sophia and I told her that I didn't want to be in the popular group anymore but that we can still be friends".

"That's great well done".

"Well um I think that you're awesome and do you want to be my friend"? Zach said so fast that no one except for Ashley could hear. 

"Sure do you want to hang out after school"?

"Yeah that would be cool".

And they all became a trio of awesome friends the end.

The SOLO level I achieved for surface features is relational because I know why I've used them and I have got most of them in the right place.
The SOLO level I achieved for my narrative is relational because I have a moral in my story and my ideas are specific.

My next step is to make sure my moral is clear and to make my story a bit shorter.

Saturday, 30 August 2014


On Monday I had kapahaka and I showed leadership by doing my best and listening to Mr Brown and Matua Rihari. I had library duty on Wednesday and I also had the speech competition so I told miss ward that I couldn't go rather than just not going.

My next step is to remember when I have leadership roles and to turn up on time. I also need to remember to tell someone if I can't go.

Friday, 15 August 2014


On Monday I was at Kapahaka and I was being a leader by doing the actions properly and trying to ignore the distractions around me.
On Monday I also had basketball practice I made sure I came on time and as only me and a few other people were there I went and found other people from the team who had forgot.

My next step is to remind people when basketball is on before the practice.


I have learnt that you have use the whole space in drama otherwise your play/scene can get boring. Also using the whole space makes it easier for your whole audience to see you. If you stand in one spot it makes it hard to connect with the audience and your play/scene will lack in movement.

My next step is to look at my audience more so they are more interested and excited about the play/scene.

Sunday, 10 August 2014


On Monday I had Kapahaka and P.A.L's. I think I showed good leadership skills by explaining the rules well and helping the younger kids out if they didn't know what to do.

My next step is to plan what I'm doing for P.A.L's before the day comes.

Friday, 1 August 2014


On Monday I had Peer Mediation and a Basketball practice and I couldn't go to both so I got someone to fill in for me at peer mediation.
I have talked to my teacher and I have swapped my peer mediation day.
I was showing leadership at basketball because I showed up on time and I was doing my best.

My next step is to be focused today at Kapahaka and to encourage others to be focused and to remind others when we have a practice.

Thursday, 24 July 2014


On Monday I had Kapa Haka. I was being a leader by focusing on Matua and being a role model for the younger kids.

On Wednesday I had Librarian.I was doing my best to be a leader by focusing on doing my job and not talking to my Friends.

My next step is to turn up to peer mediation on time.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Term reflection


W.A.L.T:understand and interpret the authors purpose.
I think that I went really well because in the
 text that I read about the 13 year old girl climbing Mount Everest I was able to complete the explain map and I did it really well. In the my explain map one of the purposes was to inspire young under privileged kids to follow their dreams. My next reading goal is about language features.


W.A.L.T: find the area of a right angle triangle.
I achieved this Walt because I can give you the area if a right angle triangle. I work these out by pretending that the circle is a square and then I times the sides then i half my end number. My next maths goal is to calculate the circumference of a circle.


W.A.L.T: write an explanation and use a range of sentence structures in my writing.
I think that I achieved this WALT because my explanation is really good and it has some really strong sentences.
I think that I used a range of different sentences with lots of different vocabulary.
My next goal is to use a range of topic specific vocabulary.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Yesterday I was being a leader at Kapahaka by helping the other students in what to do and where to stand and I practised the songs and the actions after school so I know them really well.
Today I was being a leader at school because at lunch time I was doing what I was ment to and when I saw one of the kids from our buddy class and said hello and asked them if they wanted me to come play a game with them.

My next step is to be a leader in peer mediation by helping to solve the problems and letting them come up with solutions by themselves so the younger kids know how to solve their own problems.

Thursday, 26 June 2014


Yesterday I was being a leader at my peer mediation because I was making sure I wasn't doing anything silly and I was helping solve the problems properly and I was following the peer mediation process.

My maths

W.A.L.T:multiply and divide numbers by 10s,100s and 1000s.

How I work it out is if I have 39x10=     I just take the zero of the ten and put it on the 39 so the answer is 390.

Or if I have 88x1000  I take the three zeros of the 1000 and put them on the 88 so the answer is 88000.

My next step is to know a range of different ways to solve the problem.

My explanation

W.A.L.T: Use a range of sentence structures in our writing , use topic specific vocabulary in our explanation and use surface features in a well structured piece of writing.
I think that the solo taxonomy level I reached in the 2nd W.A.L.T is extended abstract because I used quite a lot of topic specific vocabulary and I know why I used them and I can ask people if these words help or don't help my writing.

Do you trust the well known brands that you've heard amazing reviews from?
Well, Ergobaby is just one if the company's that has been effected by someone breaking the consumers guarantees act.
You probably know about the consumer guarantees act, but for those of you who don't it is a series of rules to do with buying and selling that protects businesses and consumers.
I am going to explain about the consumer guarantees act being broken and the effects it has had on the business/businesses and the consumer.

There is a group of people going around selling unsafe fake baby carriers, by the name Ergobaby the same name as the real trusted brand. An unsuspecting mum-to-be bought one of the fake baby carriers let's see what happened.

One of the many rights that were broken is that goods must be of an acceptable quality. The fake baby carrier was not of an acceptable quality because if you put a little bit of pressure on the buckle it breaks. This could have resulted in the baby getting injured or even death.

Another right that has been broken is that goods must be fit for purpose. The baby carrier was not fit for purpose because it should of been able to hold a baby. The real business also suffers because they might not get as many customers as they did before.

Many more rights have been broken like consumers have the right not to be mislead or tricked. This unsuspecting mum-to-be has definitely been tricked. This mum-to-be has probably lost trust in online sellers.

Consumers also have the right to expect that goods they purchase will be safe to use. This right was definitely broken because the buckle was unsafe. This could have had a negative effect on the consumer because she might not want to buy things offline again, or it could have a positive effect because she will be more careful when she is shopping.

Overall, many of the rights have been broken. It has had many different effects on the consumer and the businesses. These baby carriers are totally unsafe, make sure when you are buying that you get the real deal.

My next step is to add more topic specific vocabulary and to try and add more of a range of  sentence structures.

Monday, 23 June 2014


Today I had Kapa Haka.I was being a leader by listening and making sure I was doing the right thing I was also helping the younger kids if they didn't know what to do.

My next step is to sing louder and make sure I know the actions so I don't have to think about them.

Friday, 6 June 2014

My reading

W.A.L.T: Understand and interpret the authors purpose.


How do you infer?
Figure things out from the clues you get,Read between the lines,prior knowledge.clues within the text and prior learning 

My next step is to think deeply about what the author was thinking and about why they wrote it

Monday, 26 May 2014

Creative writing

W.A.L.T:write freely and try new things.

My sister started to cry so did my parents.I shouted "why does my sister have to go it's not fair". My parents said to go to bed and that we would talk about it in the morning.

The next day I woke up early to the sound of my sister crying and screaming. I ran down the stairs and gave my sister a big hug and my sister told me "I have nothing to worry about and she will do her best to defend our country". I saw that mum had a nice breakfast for all of us but I couldn't help thinking that it might be our last breakfast with Hannah.My family ate the nice breakfast but I couldn't I just knew that she could get hurt or killed in this nasty war. We took Hannah to the recruitment centre and we said our goodbyes.

My sister was sent to fight the next day,they must have been desperate for soldiers.

We got a letter today I was really excited and then I noticed it wasn't from Hannah but the recruitment centre. My heart sank the letter said that Hannah was at the base in Germany when a bomber plane dropped a bomb right over their camp.Her injuries were bed she was sent to the war hospital but she died later that day...

My next step is to think about how I can word my story and to make the reader feel the emotions that I felt.

Friday, 23 May 2014

40th 40 hour famine

Tonight is the start of the 40th 40 hour famine! I am sleeping in a cardboard box and I think it's going to be fun and challenging. Good luck to all those people doing the famine you are doing an awesome thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

My Reading

W.A.L.T: Question the authors purpose.

We are reading a book and after every chapter we do a chapter summary.

Chapter 6 summary

Kenny is ill and is scared to leave the orphanage,he doesn't want to abandon his friends.
Charlotte is hesitant to leave and she is glad that she told Aunty Ivy and Uncle Alf about Kenny getting hit now they know that the orphanage isn't treating them right.
The Author is trying to tell us that Kenny and Char might get to live better
I think that maybe Kenny and Char will either live a better life or a worse live with their Uncle and Aunt.

My next step is to think about what is going to happen next!!!!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

My recount

W.A.L.T:Elaborate our ideas

I was standing on the waters edge,what could go wrong?!?!?!?! My sister was urging me into he river...

Let me fill you in! I was in the most beautiful place in New Zealand,Wanaka. My extremely crazy neighbours thought it would be a "great idea" if we went to the nearby swimming hole. Turns out the swimming hole was actually the Clutha River.

So there I was about to jump in, I had seven pairs of beady eyes staring at me,waiting for me to jump.

I could feel the time wasting away.It was late January and it felt like it was 100 degrees.!!! I was really scared and my wetsuit was REALLY uncomfortable!!!

"SPLASH" I finally jumped in.As my head went under the icy cold water,so many thoughts rushed through my head... What if I don't come back up?Why can't I breathe properly? I wonder what we are having for tea???

I came back up "what a rush" I want to jump again and again,but we had to go back to the batch.It turns out we were having fish'n'chips for tea.  

My next step is to make the reader feel like they are there with me.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Active thinking

Intergrated Learning

W.A.L.T: I can describe the influences on making choices.

One of the big influences would be your family because your parents are responsible for you so they won't let you do things that could hurt you.
Another big influence is your friends because you want to fit in and be popular and you want your friends to appreciate you.

My next step is to be able to describe the influences without rambling on.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

My self directed learning

We have been learning about Anzac Day 
I think that his poem is about all the Anzacs that died in the war and now we have to uphold what the Anzacs fought and died for.

A Lark looks like a sparrow with yellow or brown on the front.Despite What was going on around the larks they still carried on.

My next step is to think about why the author used the lark.

Friday, 11 April 2014

My information report

W.A.L.T: Be specific and use linking sentences to join our paragraphs.

Decisions- we all have to make them at some point in our life.Friends,Family,law,media,role models these are just some of the influences that help us make decisions.Some influences are good and some are bad.

Friends are a major influence in a young teenagers life.They can put peer pressure on you which is usually a bad influence.But friends can also be a good influence for example they can help you out when you have to make a decision out side of school.Friends help you with SOME of the big decisions.

Family helps you with all of he big decisions such as school,money and your life.They can help you by making sure you do the right thing.Your family knows what's best for you.Your family also has to teach you about what's right and what's wrong.

Right and wrong.(the law) is a "major" influence.Every second of every day you have to follow the law.You might have friends or family that want you to break the law.What would you do?The law stops you doing things that could hurt you or other people.

All of these influences help you make decisions.When you have to make a decision make sure you take into account all of your possible influences  
But remember the choice is up to you!!!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Visual Language

W.A.L.T:Identify several visual and verbal features in advertisements and explain the impact they have on the overall message.

The advertisement is for coke 
The target audience is kids that get pocket money or adults
The information that it gives you is nothing
The add try's to get you to by it is that it has enjoy and it has a bright red colour
The thing I would change is I would put more colour in to it to make it more appealling

Thursday, 3 April 2014

My Goals-3.4.14

My Academic goal:
Is to learn all my probablity by the end of the term!!!

My social goal:
Is to work with a range of different people including he year 8's

My leadership goal:
Is to go and see my reading buddy and to stay in Kapahaka

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

My reading

W.A.L.T: Question the Authors purpose 

 I have learnt that Kenny Melrose is 12 years old and he is a tough boy
I have learnt that Charlotte Melrose is 8 and she has black curly hair
I think that the author is trying to tell the reader that Kenny is naughty and that the orphanage they live in is horrible
My next step is to think more deeply about what the author is trying to tell the reader

Monday, 24 March 2014

My maths
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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

My maths
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